Susan wig & corset & skirt!

My wig for Susan came Tuesday, btw. It cracks me up. It’s so awesome.
Today I got home and the corset and skirt had come. The corset is so cool, I’ve never had a real corset before. I can’t get it on me by myself very well though. I really like it, it’s perfect for the costume.
The skirt… hmm. Honestly, I went with the first skirt I found on ebay for a cheapo price that loosely fit what I needed. I already knew it was going to be too big in the waist, but I figured that’d be ok, I could fix that. Well, it comes, and it’s HUGE!! It’s like a ballgown skirt!! It must have three extra layers under the top layer. At first I kinda freaked, I was like, how can I cut the bottom on this to look right?!?! But then I realised it’d be ok. I can figure it out.
Just waiting on the boots now, and I have to do the cape and props like I said. Hee this is fun!