when we saw chamber of secrets

Harry Potter, very very good.
The only thing I can say I didn’t like was Moaning Myrtle.
I did get kind of antsy in the long talking parts though (like in hagrid’s hut). And it did end on a weird “yay hagrid” note… I mean, that’s all very well and fine but it just dragged out and seemed… weird.

I was the only one in costume AGAIN. And not just of my group, of everyone there. People kept staring at me, that was pretty funny. I want my parents to go see it this weekend so I can wear it again… I have a rule to myself that as long as it’s opening weekend I can wear the costume, after that it’s a no go.

Anyway, one pic:

Hermione Granger

And I finally decided that I want to make a Quidditch uniform – after seeing that I can use that patch I bought. woo. At first I was thinking, hey, i’ll make a ravenclaw quidditch uniform, then it’ll be pretty. But I want to use this patch, I spent too much money on this patch and it needs to be used.