Last night was *weird.* But fun.
At 10:30 last night I went over to Cath’s house. We had been planning on having this little get-together for a while, to watch the extended LOTR dvd. So it was me, Catherine, Sara and Josh and Mel……… and about 30 other people. They were having the cast party for the play at the same time. Basically everyone sat around telling stories about our school for two hours, which was really funny (cause even for those of us who weren’t in high school anymore, ALL of us had gone to that school.) And then slowly people started leaving, until there was just about 15 of us left all together, and we watched the movie (skipping to the scenes with new material). By the time we got done it was 3 AM, and as it turns out, everyone still there was spending the night except Josh and Mel. So us girls went upstairs and left the boys watching some movie downstairs. When I got up this morning, no one else was up yet, so I had to tiptoe all these bodies laying on the living room floor to gather up my stuff. Even though I could have slept longer, I just had to get on out of there… I always feel weird hanging around someone else’s house in the morning, even if it is my family. But yeah, it was weird, and fun.
And today I am finally going to go see the play. Yay. I think I’ll sleep some more first.