oh yeah! My art history II midterm thurs is going to be SO FREAKING EASY. I mean, as she was going over what the test was going to be like today, I was like whaaaaaat. I mean… we have slide identification. Only 8 of them – and she’s giving us the title of the picture, all we have to do is write the name of the artist – and get this, she’s giving us a list of artists. So even if I somehow blank out on “Michelangelo,” I could look though the list and spark my memory. And the vocabulary… it’s going to be MATCHING!! I haven’t had matching since second grade!! God this is going to be easy!
The funniest part was, after class, there was the kid in the hall going, “This test is going to be HELL!”
(of course, now that I’ve said it’s easy, I’ll probably completely blank out or something and make a D. Hey, it’s happened before.)
Anthropology class… we finished watching Mountains of the Moon. It was a pretty good. I just had a hard time understanding what they were saying at points, but I got the gist. Only thing was… today is tuesday right? That means it’s buffy day. And this is the class that always going right up until 6 before she lets us out. That means I have an hour to get home before it comes on (it’s about a 45 minute drive in normal traffic). So I always get the heck out of there as soon as she lets us go so I can get home in time! Well, today, a couple of people just wouldn’t stop asking questions about the midterm and class went over about 10 minutes! panic!! I literally ran to my car, which is a pretty good little run (ever since they changed our parking, parking has been crazy at school. don’t even get me started on that or you’ll have to deal with my moaning and whining for another three or so paragraphs). I got home just in time, only to find out…
A) Dad had been trying to call me- his truck had broken down. He’d wanted me to pick him up! YIKES
B) Cath had tried to call me – she had won tickets to a 7:30 movie tonight and wanted me to go. Mom tells me this at 8:30. I need a new messaging service. No, actually, I just need to charge my phone up so that it actually works.
Speaking of Cath, besides the tickets she also won a free ride on some boat up to St. Louis. How about that? We’ve all been instructed to listen to that radio station all day friday to see if her name is drawn for the grand prize – just in case she doesn’t hear it, so we can call her.
blah blah blah. that’s enough.