God, yesterday was… insane. That’s the only word for it.
Wednesday it had started raining, and by Thursday morning it hadn’t stopped. I got a call from Kristie at 8:30, saying I needed to come to work *now* (I normally go in at 10:30), and that I needed to wear clothes I could get wet in. Yes, it was starting to flood again. So I dug around for some old but warm clothes… old jeans, old sweatshirt, I put my hair up, found a rain jacket, and… proof that costuming is not completely useless, I remembered my knee high riding boots from my Quistis costume. Completely water proof, woo! So I put my school books and stuff in a bag, plus a change of clothes, and headed off. I had to go the long way cause one of my regular roads was flooded out. I got to work… and the water had gone down. So I was dressed like a dork for the rest of the day. The water in the back was still about a foot high, so I had to go walk around in it since I had the water proof boots on and all.
At two I had to leave for school… I had both of my midterms today. Art History went fine. I missed two of the vocab words – I got them mixed up. Oh well. Everything else was just fine. Anthropology… oh, the drama in Anthropology. I was slightly freaked about the test. I thought I was as prepared as I was going to be, but still. Once we got in the room, someone told us that the other class had gotten a whole *day* of review and their test was next week. None of us really thought that was all too fair, and we wanted a full day review, too. When the teacher came in, someone brought this up to her, and I don’t think she was too happy about it. She explained to us that we had had a day off, and we had gotten the review sheet a week and a half earlier than the other class. So, all right, now that I knew that I was fine to take the test. But she said now she had to give us a review, ’cause if one person complained that was all it would take. After having the explanation, I think all but about two or three people wanted to take the test. I wish we had just *asked* her why the other class got a review, instead of “demanding” a review. :\ But, she did go over everything on the review sheet, and I discovered I had a few things wrong, so the review was might helpful and I thank her for that.
So, no Anthro test. I got in the car, all happy to finally be going home because I was *so* tired… Catherine calls me on my cell and tells me that, for the meetup of the memphis LOTR fans (she’s the host LOL) that if we meet at the bowling alley, they’ve got league bowling there all tonight so we couldn’t bowl. Would Don Pablo’s be ok? I’m like, “yeah sure fine whatever. When is it?” And she says, “Um, in 40 minutes.” So I rush home, change jackets and head to Don Pablo’s. It was fun, we sat around planning our Two Towers night (we’re still making t-shirts, with a quote on the back and “our character” on the front.) and the halloween party, which all of a sudden we’re having again.
Then after that, I decided since I was down here, I’d go on and go to Barnes and Noble and use my gift certificate instead of going in the morning before work. I got the Buffy yearbook, and I wanted to get Oliver Sacks’ Awakenings. I couldn’t find it. I wandered everywhere looking for it. A good thirty minutes. *finally* I asked, and was shown directly to the book. Turns out that the “Psychology” section had sprawled out into the section marked as “Language” and I hadn’t seen that. But I got my books and I came home… it was about 9 by then, so I took a bath and went to bed, because I was ready to go to bed at one that afternoon.
And mom forgot to record Friends. urgh.