when kevin had a million apologies

I *told* you guys to take care of things for me while I’m gone, and look what happens, Richard Harris dies.

Anyway. I feel like I’ve been cut off from the world for the past three days. We were in the Ozarks, doing a lot of nothing. I didn’t think I’d have much of anything to write about, but I do. We went around to a bunch of springs and stuff, it was all really pretty. I got my foot wet once. At one point we found an old closed road bridge and Kevin and I climbed across it, and walked down an old road and found a path leading down to the other side of the stream. It was pretty neat. Saturday we were at one of these little rivers and were all throwing rocks in when Kevin let one go too early and hit my Uncle’s brother smack in the back of the head. He went down and was bleeding all over the place. It was pretty scary. He was ok in the end, though.

Sunday we went to a little town and shopped a little bit and went exploring some more. Kevin and I mostly climbed around and explored while the others stood around and took pictures.

We listened to Chamber of Secrets on tape the whole time… it was really good. I really enjoyed it. I haven’t picked up a Harry Potter book in ages, mostly just ’cause I was sick of thinking about it, but it was great listening to it.

I traded my cousin my PS2 for his Gamecube for a week, so I could play Animal Crossing some more.

*Weird Black Thing in the mail –
At work last week, I was opening all the boxes that had come in the mail and one of them had all these weird black things in it. They looked like that black thing off the cover of Led Zeppelin’s Presence. I was all like, Whoa, it’s the thing from Led Zeppelin’s Presence, but then it turned out just to be pen cases. I got one though. It’s a pretty nice pen. I wonder what I did with it.

*Poster I Had To Do –
I can’t believe I didn’t write about this. Last Saturday, Cat calls me at noon and says, “Can you draw a poster for the play?” And I say, “Yeah, don’t I always?”
She goes, “I mean, one for this afternoon for us to hang up at the carnival.” So she brings this ugly piece of posterboard over for me to draw it on. It’s 12:15 and they want it at the school at 2. What do you people think I am? I take a look at the posterboard and and it’s glossy and slick. No good. The other side is grey but will work better. I ask Cath what they want exactly. Not a vague idea – *exactly.* I haven’t seen this play, I only have a little idea what it’s about, so I need to be TOLD what to draw. (It’s Arsenic and Old Lace, btw) She tells me to draw the lead guy looking in a windowseat looking surprised. Luckily the lead guy had been in every play I’ve done a poster for, so I had plenty of references of him. That wasn’t so bad. I even did the lettering myself, which I originally told them I wouldn’t do ’cause I’m so bad at it, but I did that sneaky little charcoal trick and transferred the lettering from a print.

Not bad for a quick hour job I guess. Anyway, at ten til 2 it was looking pretty damn good for such a short notice poster. I had lots of excess on the sides so I took it upstairs to cut it on the cutting board. Well, there’s no light up there, but I’m usually ok at cutting it.

Not this time, I cut it nowhere NEAR straight and chopped a good portion of the edge off. Amazingly enough I didn’t panic, I slapped a piece of tape on the back and it looked fine. I guess I just wasn’t emotionally invested in it or anything yet! So I took it up there and they hung it up and then you can go back to my post on 10/21 to see about the rest of my day.