I probably won’t be on much this week. I’m keeping my cousin, plus now I’m working all week all day now, y’know. And then there’s school. And my birthday this week too.
Every once in a while, if I’m saying a phrase that’s anything like one of Ulla’s, I’ll say it like her. “Get car, get car!” or “No no no no no.” I say the no one to Indy a lot.
And now I’m going to have that part of springtime for hitler stuck in my head for the next… oh, week.
The othe rnight I dreamed Cath, Rach and I were all put in jail for something. I used my one phone call to try and get an internet connection put in my cell. And then I got upset because it was just so freaking boring in there.
Ok… here goes, new comment system maybe…