when somebody knew me and I didn’t know them

Speaking of which, I forgot to say this earlier, but at the mall this guy says to me, “Hey, are you Kell?” And I’m like, uh, yeah. He says he went to school with me. I draw a complete blank – I know I didn’t graduate with a guy of that name. But I just smiled and said, “Oh yeah! How are you?” That sort of thing. Got home, still stumped, pulled out the yearbooks. Can’t find anyone who he might have been. I don’t think he was referring to college, that’s recent enough I’d’ve remembered him.
Anyway. Still no clue.

Sims Unleashed is pretty cool. I really love the new neighborhood setup… and finally having pets is cool! Haven’t tried any of the new jobs yet, dad kicked me off the computer. Unleashed is more fun than a barrel of monkeys, as I told my mom. Which made me think…

Honestly, how fun would a barrel of monkeys be? It would be fun if the monkeys were the nice kind, the kind who make good monkey butlers and sit on your shoulder and wear funny hats and dance. like the kind in movies. It wouldn’t be fun if they were like, real monkeys, screaming, biting and running amok. That would just be terrifying.
I want a monkey.