-Finishing dying
-sew arm rings in
-finish arm rings
-figure out hair
-find some nice sandals to wear with it
-make mask
-finish shirt
-Trim ear hair (lol)
-Finish sewing socks onto the leggings (don’t ask)
-finish the blue vest.
I just tried on my amidala dress and it’s sooooo pretty!
Only thing is I’m going to have to remake the necklace. Completely! Ugh. I made it before the dress was actually finished and it doesn’t match up at all. š Worst part is I can’t even reuse part of it, ’cause I super glued the whole thing! ^_^; And since I’m working full time tomorrow mom is going to stop and get me the materials so I can make another tomorrow night.
After I do that, and sew the arm rings in, Amidala is done… I just still need to figure out the hair.
Shadowcat is totally done.
Ocha, still need to finish the vest and sew on it’s buttons. Then she’s done.
Well, I’m signing off until after Dragon*con, folks. As I said at my regular blog, I’m working full time monday-thurs, and school starts this week, too. And I still have DC stuff to finish… and… blah. See you after DC, I guess.