Finished Ocha’s white dress, except to put the buttons on and possibly take the waist up some more.
Also started on Ocha’s ears, and finished her wig except for some trimming I need to do.
To Do List:
-Make blue top
-Sew buttons on white dress.
-Put buttons/ribbon on boot covers
-Cut off leggings
-Make armbands from the cutoff pieces of leggings
-Finish & attach ears.
-Figure out how to attach tail to leggings
-Get some green eye makeup
-Cut out pattern for top
-Make top
-Make/cover mask.
-Do hair thing
-Make the white dress.
-Dye the white dress.
-Make the metal pieces.
It’s hard to tell who has more work that needs to be done Ash is coming over either today or tomorrow to help me make the mask, she’s done that plaster bandage thing before.