Lina & Urd wigs

I just bought my Lina wig. whew. It’s now the most expensive wig I own. I wanted something that would look more natural than just a regular straight style wig. I bought it from the same people I got my She-Ra wig from. It’s layered and really nice looking.
It’s a little darker than I really wanted, but… it’s just so pretty! I’m trying to shoot for more realistic colours with my lina… which I think fits the blue-shirt version of Lina better than the bright cartoony red-shirt lina.
I also got my (second order) Urd wig yesterday. After I had ordered it, I didn’t think it was going to be long enough. So what did I do? I went and found another one and ordered it. BUT it is long enough!! The place I ordered the other one from was really weird … I wonder if they even got the order. I’m gong to go look at my credit card thingie online and see.
AND I got my Faye wig yesterday. Of course now I’m not doing Faye anymore… So it’ll be up for sale on ebay soon. If anybody out there just wants to buy it from now at $40 (including shipping), email me at -redacted- and let me know. I’ll send you pictures.
Going to fabric store again today…. got to get pink fabric, fabric dye and gloves.