when cat got a new job suggestion

OH! Almost forgot!!

When we went to see Lilo and Stitch the other night, we were walking into the theater when one of Cath’s friends pops up out of nowhere to say hey (We estimate that cat knows approximately half the population of the city). A college friend. We go on into the theater ’cause… you know, we want good seats, and leave cat standing in the hall with said friend. Cat comes back in a few minutes later and sits next to me because she ‘has something to tell me.’ She leans over and starts whispering (she’s very embarrassed by this) about her encounter in the hallway. She says that this (male) friend came up, gave her a hug and started making with the pleasantries. Cat has been bothered by this guy before, but being as polite and sweet as she is, she just nodded and smiled her way through it. At the end of the conversation, this guy says, “Cat, you should really be working at Hooters!”

She crept back down to her seat, apparently thinking that I would tell no one this story. Of course I turned around and told it to everybody, because it was too funny not to, and we all died laughing at the thought.

Also at dinner beforehand, the waiter spilled Cat’s iced tea all over Ash. Everybody at the table, instead of going, “Oh!” or “Oh no!” or something similar… everybody just started laughing. It was funny, what can I say.

There was something else… oh! Priscellie! Let’s see, I’ve read Guards! Guards!, Men at Arms, Feet of Clay and The Fifth Elephant, and I’m in the middle of Interesting Times. Going in no order. I have The Color of Magic and Jingo waiting in line.
Yep! Time to go get the mail!