Have had some weird dreams lately.
Last night, I dreamt that I was driving to find my cousin Kevin… I couldn’t find him anywhere. I was driving down this road near my house and I finally see him walking down the side of the road. So I make a u-turn and start heading back to get him. Just then a cop pulls me over. I’m thinking, I can get out of this – it’s an empty country road and I have to get my cousin, what’s the harm of doing a u-turn? It was kind of an emergency right? So anyway, the cop comes up to my car and says, “You know that making a u-turn is illegal?” And I say, “Yes sir, sorry, I just had to turn around and get my cousin.” And he says, “Right then, that’s okay.” And that’s the end of that.
Then, Ash and I and our parents are out of town. I have no idea where we are but we’re not in memphis. Some disneyworld type place. And that night, we’re all going to the opening of the SunDowner movie. I’m all excited. We go and watch it and it’s totally not right. Britan doesn’t act right (I remember, specifically, that she was nice to a cat, and Britan isn’t supposed to like cats), and Miles’ hair was wrong. I got up and left the theater then, and stood out in the lobby complaining to Ash. I asked if her if I could sue the studio, since they NEVER ASKED IF THEY COULD MAKE THE MOVIE! They just did it and, apparently, I found out about this movie about a week before it opened. Right.
That’s all I remember from last night.
The other night I had another one. It was a long one, made up of lots of unconnected yet somehow connected pieces. One day I decided I’d better go back to school, because I hadn’t been in like, a year. So I went. I went back to high school and all my old classmates were there just like nothing ever changed. It was night for some reason, and not all the lights were on. All the desks in the back were taken so I had to sit in the front. There was something that happened with the teacher… it made the students unhappy, and two of the guys got up and escorted him out. Now there’s a whole block here I don’t remember, but eventually I apparently turn into Buffy, because I’m wandering the halls of my high school with Xander and Willow. Still night out. We get to the end of the hall, and instead of… um, ending, it opens up into a huge, deserted warehouse and parking lot. Very Silent Hill-ish, if you’ve ever played the game. Very creepy. We’re wandering around, can’t remember why. Willow gets a call on her cellphone. Whoever is on the phone is telling her that, “David is ok, they got there just fine, they’re having a good time.”
Over the conversation I hear (in a very creepy voice) someone saying… dangit, I can’t remember exactly what it was. Something about the Soultaker coming. I say, “We’ve got to get out here!!” And we all panic and start running back to the school. We get to the spot where the parking lot turns back into school hallway, but someone has put up a giant chain link fence with barbed wire on top! So I start climbing it, and when I get to the top, I take off my purple A&F jacket and throw it over the barbed wire to climb over (I don’t know why it was specifically THAT jacket. I haven’t worn it in ages). We make it and I run outside… and despite the fact it’s night, the parking lot looks like it would about the time school is getting out. Lots of cars with some people sitting in them, people walking around … except everyone is frozen. I think to myself, “It’s all starting over!!!!”
And that’s when I woke up.
Ash says I have freaky dreams.