Hermione and Rally pics

gads I’m tired!! I’ll explain why later.
Right now, gaze upon the glory of my Rally Vincent wig. Ok, so maybe it’s not quite glorious, but I’m pleased with it!

My Rally Vincent costume from January 2002.Kelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

Also took new Hermione pics the other day.

My first version of my Hogwarts uniform/Hermione costume from 2001.Kelldar.com | My Facebook Page | Tumblr  | Instagram

(ok so that’s not crookshanks, it’s mrs norris… but close enough!) There were also a couple of nice outside ones – it was cloudy and windy so it made the cloak look nice. They’re all up at the cosplay page. Also made a couple of hermione lj icons…

I think out of all of those I may end up using the big-hair Hermione one. It makes me laugh šŸ˜€