Leaving for Animazement 2002

Yep, tomorrow at this time I’ll be at Animazement šŸ˜€
I know this should go in my cosplay journal, but OH WELL!
Xiaoyu… I’m pretty satisfied with Xiaoyu. I’ll probably wear it most of the day friday, with Ash in her 1P Xiaoyu costume.
Speaking of which, I painted the design on the back of Ash’s Xiaoyu costume, and I’m pretty happy with how it turned out šŸ˜€
Misato… I’m really happy with the vinyl we used for it. I like the jacket, like the skirt, like the shirt, like the wig, like the shoes… I’ll probably wear it Friday night and maybe Sunday morning… ash will be doing ritsuko with me and some point.
Lulu… well, I was really worried about lulu, but I think everything has turned out all right. I haven’t put it all on at one time yet, but I like the pieces. It’s definitely my most expensive costume to date, mostly because the lacey stuff for the trimming cost so much! : I went and got the wig last night, and I must say, it’s incredible. I’m really proud of it. I just wish the hair ornament thingies I made for it had turned out better. It’s REALLY heavy (the wig is, I mean), because it’s made of two whole wigs – one making the front and one doing the entire back. I’m going to have to put in several bobbie pins in the front to make it stay on good. The front belt piece is very heavy too. Lol, maybe together they’ll even out somewhere? heh, probably not. Anyone want to bet on how long I stay in it? lol, I want to stay in it all Saturday night, but I bet i don’t last two or three hours.
Also taking Utena (may wear it sunday, don’t know), She-Ra (saturday morning), and Selphie (late saturday night). Normal clothes? Yeah, I got my misato shirt and a pair of shorts šŸ˜€ lol.
Well. I’m pretty much packed and ready to go.
I’m off!! Pictures from Animazement and Star Wars last week will be up week after next!!!! Hopefully I’ll be able to find some pics of me and ash online next week that I can post links to, but once I’m home week after next I’ll get to scanning!