when we got mixed up with music fest

What… a long… weekend.

Yesterday morning was actually kinda slow. We went and ate breakfast at this place in Millington, and all I had was toast, since the thought of any other breakfast food made me feel ill. Mom and I worked on my Misato jacket some … and then we went to the play.

They did great. It was funny šŸ˜€ And I got lots of orders for copies of the poster. Yay!

It was around 5 by that point, so Cath said we’d all meet at IHOP at 5:45. That was pushing it – Ash and I had to go back to my house, get my car, I had to follow her home so she could leave her car there, and then go to IHOP. Somehow we weren’t TOO late.

It was fun. We made a mess, I’m surprised they didn’t ask us not to come back. (there were eight of us alltogether) Then……. it was time to see Spider-man!! We had decided to go see it on the big IMAX screen downtown at Muvico.

That turned out to be a mistake.

We all knew that Music Fest was going on this weekend. Music Fest is the big three day… er, music festival downtown for Memphis in May. It’s very big, in the paper it said there were 55,000 there Saturday. But we weren’t worried about it – even if there were thousands of people hanging around Beale St, we’d still have the parking garage for Peabody Place open for us, right? They wouldn’t let random Music Fest people park in there, right? They wouldn’t block off streets around Peabody Place making it really hard for us to get TO the place, right?

Ha! I can’t believe they let Music Fest people park in the Peabody Place parking garage. That’s just *not* fair. We had to drive around in horrible crowds and traffic for nearly 20 minutes wondering what to do. We finally found a parking lot across the street and over from Peabody Place for $10 a car. gyah šŸ˜› I think we were the last two cars they let in, too. But by that time we were really late and all ran over to the theater. For once luck was on our side and it was NOT sold out. Went in, got seats. The whole place was crawling with security type people – they even checked our ticket stub! I haven’t had that happen to me since… um, forever!

Anyway. Movie. Enjoyed it. Very fun! I can’t wait for the next two.

It was… um, maybe some time after 10 by that point? We all had to walk in the Beale Street crowd back over to our cars. So we went and got gas, and then stopped and mcdonald’s. I got fries and a coke. Best McDonald’s I’ve had in a loooong time.

Then back to IHOP to get my car. Took Ash home. Got home around midnight and passed out.

For Star Wars we ARE going to go to the midnight show. I’m wearing Cath’s old Leia costume. yay! It’s not exactly accurate (cause actually it’s my mom’s Bride of Frankenstein costume..) but it works. I don’t have time to make anything else. I’ve got my AZ costumes to worry about.