when i was 12

Yesterday Ash and her parents came over to hang out. Ash and I decided to go get mcdonald’s and rent a movie instead of going out to eat with the parents, so we did. We rented A.I. (ash’s choice), Rushmore (my choice) and SNK vs Capcom 2 (for kevin… and, well, yeah, me too). I had to pay a late fee from last time! urk šŸ˜›

Then we drove over to mcdonald’s. I drove up to the order window (this is the same mcdonald’s where the creepy guy took my order thursday) and the first thing the guy says is, “How OLD are you?!” Er… that’s not a question you’re often asked at McDonald’s. I was expecting, “May I take your order?” I told him and he said, “You look TWELVE!”

12, that’s a new one. Last time someone said something along those lines was about 2 years ago and I was “15”.
Am I getting younger? šŸ˜€

Then he leans over and looks at Ash and says, “That’s your sister?”
“No, friend.”
“How old are YOU?”
“17…” Ash says. Ash is just dieing of laughter right about now.
I forget what happened after that, but he took our order, took forever taking our order, and messed it up. Though as soon as we drove away from the window we both busted out laughing. I told Ash she should have said, “32” when asked how old she was.

Rest of the night was uneventful. He only gave us 3 hamburgers instead of 5, and 2 fry orders instead of 3. So I only had one burger, and Kevin got about 25% my fries.
Today… we have to go over to my gramma’s for Mother’s Day. And also so my gramma can help us figure out how to get the zipper into this Misato skirt with it’s crazy fabric.