when peter tork attacked my car

Ash came over last night and me, her and Kevin went to get dinner. Ash made the mistake of saying someone (I forget who) was a skanky ho. Hoe? Ho? I don’t know. You get the idea. Of course I said, “Who’s a skanky ho?!” And, out of habit (anytime he asks me something along that line I say this), I said, “You’re a skanky ho.” Then he started saying it over and over again. “That van’s a skanky ho!” “That window is a skanky ho!” “That seatbelt is a skanky ho!” To which I said, “Ew, Ash, you’ve got a skanky ho around you!”

Then we started going on about the Monkees attacking the car. I’m kinda paranoid about keeping the car doors locked, so everytime Kevin gets in the car I tell him to lock the doors and put his seatbelt on. He always asks me why lock the doors? And at first I always told him, because thieves might get in. Then I thought that might freak him out a little, so I started telling him monkeys might get in if you don’t lock the door. Somehow, I’m not quite sure how, it got around to the MONKEES, as in the singing group, might get in the car. So we were acting silly on the way home going, “OH MY GOD, Peter Tork noooooo! Look out there he is!!!” And then there was the whole thing with blowin’ in the wind.

Then Ash played FFX for a while. We got to laughing about mega potions, and rikku, and what exactly seymour whispered to yuna to make her gasp like that. “wanna see where the necklace goes?”

uh oh mema is here…. spring break finally!!! BYE LOSERS!