when we went to alabama

Sorry I haven’t posted yet, about the trip or anything. Been tired… I don’t know how I always managed to come off spring break dead tired.
Let’s see, I’ll try to break things down a little bit.

Mema’s – spent from sunday to sunday at my grandmother’s, of course. Bathroom down the hall from my room was being painted, preventing us from going anywhere the first three days. Also made unpleasant smell.

FFX – Was planning on finishing it. Didn’t. Started new game. Don’t know why.

SunDowner – Got a large portion done. About 85% done now. Was lazy the first few days about working, but cracked down the last days.

Buffy – catching up on old seasons, finished 1, now onto 2….

Buffy 2 – got it. hurrah, they didn’t get married.

Incredible but True – hardly bought anything. Except for that thing I’ve been wanting since last summer and finally found, but I won’t tell what it is because Ash will read about it and I want to show it to her first!!

Trip – Saturday my aunt & kristie came up around 9 and we drove the 4 1/2 hours to alabama to see my youngest cousin in a play. it was not a fun ride. stuck in the backseat with two other people, too bumpy to draw. stopped at a shoney’s around 10:30 for breakfast. I discovered they also had a lunch buffet out with the breakfast buffet and proceeded to gross everybody out by eating scrambled eggs, bacon, mashed potatoes and gravy and macaroni and cheese. it was good. drove some more. passed a place called Lulu’s Kitchen, but with the font and the background it looked like Lulu’s bitchen. Ha. sat around my aunt and uncle’s house for a long time. Played a domino game. Ate dinner. Went to play. It was cute, Raggedy Ann and Andy.

Anyway. We left. Stopped at a gas station for gas and drinks. Na and I went in and the cashier asked us if we were out “catting.” I didn’t know what that meant, but we found it very funny. Got back to jackson around 1:30 in the morning. left jackson the next day and got home.

Today was boring. Last week was boring. Auuuuuugh hurry UP, May. Oh, my mom went to the costume store (WITHOUT ME… grrrrr) and rented two 1930’s dresses for the play she’s in. They’re so cool, I have to try them on.

Dad’s playing at a club on St Patrick’s day. I want to go, it’s been years and years since I’ve seen him play.