Lulu, Misato, Rally and She-Ra updates

We cut the pattern for Lulu’s skirt today. As soon as my credit card payment clears, I’m going to buy the red material for Misato. Once that happens, I’ll be on the way with everything for Animazement except Xiaoyu. How about an update?
Lulu – have grey fabric, have fur, various bits of jewelry, and a wig. Patterns for everything. Still need to get thigh-highs, lots of belts, lacey bits, black fabric for the corset, and some more beads and things for jewelry, and makeup. Still have to work on the wig.
Misato – Have patterns for jacket and skirt, have the boots and wig. Like I said, I’ll be ordering the fabric soon. I need to find a black shirt, and make her cross necklace.
Rally – Have just about everything. Need to find better shoes, make better tie, shorten the skirt and finish the wig. I still would like to find a holster, but it’s not necessary.
And She-Ra will be ready in time for MidSouthCon. I just need to order the wig.
I’m going to *try* to finish Faye in time for Animazement, because I really consider Xiaoyu and Lulu to be my only major costumes for Animazement so far. Misato *sorta* counts, but I plan on having her done in time for MidSouthCon so I can wear it if I get bored of She-Ra. Rally doesn’t count much at all, seeing as how I’ve just thrown together all the pieces of it… Well, my point was, She-Ra/Misato for MidSouthCon, and Xiaoyu/Lulu/Faye for Animazement, and Rally for fun.

Ooh, gosh I wish the next con wasn’t so far away. I’m so jealous of all the people who went to Katsucon, I wish I could have been there! All the pretty FFX costumes… I had a great time looking through fansview pictures with various people this weekend.