when i had to climb the gate

Oh my god. It never fails. I mentioned it on my livejournal, so I had to go look at it again. Piper’s “Valentins Day” page… good god. Happy Valentine’s Day, early.
(The story is she couldn’t figure out how to spell “splendoured”….)

You know, I never did write about why last Sunday was so cruddy.
Actually, now, it’s more funny than cruddy. I figured if I gave it a few days it would start being a funny story rather than an annoying one.

My cousin lives in a gated community, meaning you have to either have a gate opener to get in or, or you know the special number to call at the gate so that someone at the house can let you in. Kevin won’t answer the phone, so I usually use the automated back construction entrance to get in. It closes at six on weekday nights and it’s closed all day Sunday. It’s the only way I could get in to get him. I was going to be staying there with him all week while his parents were out of town – they had left that morning. So, without thinking, I trotted over to his house to get him. Well, maybe not trotting as driving. Anyway.

I was halfway there when I realised it was Sunday. I mean, I knew it was Sunday, but I finally connected in my brain that Sunday = gate won’t work.
What to do? I had to go get him.
I parked my car at the back construction entrance, climbed the gate, and walked. It was quite a little walk, too. My ankles were sore for a few days afterwards. At least it was pretty nice out and it didn’t take *that* long. I even saw a box full of Japanese newspapers sitting out in the street. I wanted to stop and look, but I was in such a foul mood at that point…

I called my parents from his house once I got there and they came over and drove me back to my car (after I had gotten a gate opener).
So all in all it was… well, you gotta do what you gotta do.
Ah well.