when i was adjusting to the tablet

Tablet stuff.

One thing about it that I don’t like (but it’s probably good for me) is the fact that I can’t tilt the tablet. When I draw or write certain things, I always want to turn the sketchbook sideways. I do this with faces a lot. My art teacher in high school used to try to get me to stop all the time, but she didn’t succeed, obviously, because I still do it. But, I can’t do that with the tablet. I find myself tilting it when I’m drawing faces, and that just doesn’t work. I have to straighten it and draw it normal.

My art teacher would be happy.

Second thing, and maybe somebody can help me with this. Every once in a while it seems to “forget” it’s settings. This only happens in Photoshop (never in oekaki). I’ll have the paintbrush set to “stylus: size, opacity” so that it changes size and opacity based on the pressure of the pen, o’course. It works fine most of the time, but every once in a while it just… forgets. It stops changing the opacity, and much worse, it stays the same shape causing a big horrible looking streak amongst all my little delicate hairlines. It’s *annoying* and distracting. Anyone had this problem?

Am having trouble drawing second valentine. I’ve deleted probably 15 sketches so far.

I really hate drawing noses.