when elfwood destroyed my gallery

ARrrrrgh Elfwood. I now have 3 pictures left in my gallery.

Fine, they can take down my Harry Potter stuff. I don’t care. I would have taken it down myself when they said “no more fanart,” but THEY were saying Book Fanart is OKAY. But why did they take down my Another Place, Another Time? Because it’s not so in-your-face fantasy? Yet they left my Forum poster up.

They also removed my 2000 Halloween pic from Zone47 claiming fanart. It was a SunDowner picture!! Argh.

They also *emailed* every one of the pictures they removed to my email. Nice for people who actually *didn’t* save a copy of their pics, not so nice for those of us who suddenly had a completely full inbox because of that.

They say one thing, then they say another. Yeah it’s not *my* site, but when I feel like I’ve followed the rules, then have everything deleted and get 20 some odd emails saying “FANART BELONGS IN FANQUARTER”… omg. And there’s so many people who will jump ALL over you if you say something even slightly bad about the whole process.

I’m over it!