when i started classes again

Ok, so anyway. Look at this. Stare at it until you see it !

I guess I should tell about my first day of school wednesday. That was the longest day…

My first class was Int. Computer. It started at nine, and I got there about 15 til 9. Nobody was in there. And nobody came in until 2 or 3 minutes before nine. Even after that, there were only like, 7 people in the class. The class was supposed to have been taught by the same guy who taught my Intro Comp class a while back. Well, for some reason, it wasn’t him. It was a foreign guy, Korean, I think. He didn’t speak English all that well. I thought, well, I’ll get used to it.

But then he opened up a picture he had done in Illustrator and told us to make it in Illustrator also. 30 minute time limit.

I hate Illustrator! It’s stubborn and backwards. I like Freehand better if I have to go that route. The last time I used Illustrator was 2 years ago, and I was extremely rusty with it. We had 30 minutes to draw this simple face (which looked a lot like Professor Utonium from Powerpuff Girls), but I didn’t get it done. Couldn’t figure it out for the life of me. If I’d gotten to do it in Photoshop, I’d have had it done in no time flat. But of course, that’s a completely different program.

At one point the teacher came over behind me and told me to do something. I couldn’t understand him, and he kept repeating himself and finally said, “Click away.” OH! He wanted me to drop the selection. So I did. Then he said something about layers. I nodded blindly and he said, “good” and went to the next student. At least afterwards he went through all the steps he made to get to the face, so I eventually figured out how he did it. But damn. He says we’re going to be working Photoshop just as much, thank goodness. But then we’re going to be getting into animating. Yuck. I didn’t want to do that, but I didn’t have much choice of classes this year. Plus we don’t have this animation program here at home, so I’ll have to actually work at school… Our homework for next week is sketches for various “signs” (like, danger high voltage, or baggage claim, etc). I HATE doing that kind of stuff. What have I gotten myself into?

The teacher let us out a little after 10. The class is supposed to go til 3. I would have normally been overjoyed at being let out so early, but… I had another class at 4:30. I guess I could have gone home, but that would have been a huge waste of gas. I went over to dad’s office to tell him about it, and also checked out the wacom tablet he got for himself. I decided I’d go hang out over at Na’s house for a while, instead of driving all the way home. I called her at her office to make sure it was ok, and she said Kristie was still there. So I went over there, and Kristie said she was going to run to the mall, then pick up lunch and go to the office. Did I want to go? I decided not to, I thought I’d stay there and try to get some drawing done. I did agree to meet her at the office so I could eat lunch with her and Na.

So I sat on the couch with my sketchbook in my lap and Rx (their dog) laying next to me… and I got no work done. I sat there until one, watching The David Cassidy story on VH-1. I ate some pudding. Then Kristie called and said she was going to sonic. I told her what I wanted from there and headed over to Na’s office.

Once there, Na gave me the laptop her company had given her back in december when their office flooded. She hadn’t been able to figure out how to work it, so I started checking out, trying to figure out what sort of problem she was having with it. Well, I figured out most of it, and got her connected to her company email. Then we ate lunch, and then I figured out to get access to the program she uses at work. So I got Na’s computer working for her, so now she doesn’t have to stay at the office so late working.

Kristie and I looked at the hotel for Otakon, and then I went ahead and left. I got back to school at about 3. I sat down in the library and actually DID get some work done. Only reference work, but that was some work I really needed to do. Clothing references for one of my characters, and also some ideas for what Eowyn to wear in that pic I’m working on.

Then I went to my last class. I hate sitting there watching it get dark in class. I had missed Monday’s class, so I hadn’t read the assignment for that day. She said that was ok, since I had just registered Monday after all. She had everyone fill out an index card listing their name and info. Then I had to write an autobiography, which needed to be 100-150 words long. I wrote as much as I could and it wasn’t enough, so I started padding it out. It had to be the lamest thing I ever wrote in my life (“I have a dog and two cats. Their names are Indiana and Calvin and Hobbes. I like basketball. It is pretty cool. I like to draw.”) Then, while everyone else was working on the writing assignment based on the homework I missed, I had to sit there and read it. But luck was on my side! It happened to be an excerpt from The Joy Luck Club, which I’ve read four times, at least. So I got the writing assignment done pretty fast, and got to leave 20 minutes early.

It was a long day. I don’t even remember what I did that evening. Probably came home and went to sleep…

I’ve been working on sundownercomic.com… it’s rough… a lot of downloading and uploading, mostly. And now Wretched has decided to go down again, so I can’t access half the stuff I’ve been working on.

But my aunt Susan called, and gave me a very good idea about selling my artwork, and asked if I could stay with Kevin towards the end of January. Good! I need to make some extra money to buy Lulu fabric with…