when the pee didn’t soak in

Random Story That I May Have Already Told #33

The “Last Time You Laughed Til You Cried” bit in that survey made me think of this.

So as I’m sure I’ve mentioned 20 times, my parents and my aunt and uncle and all their friends used to get together friday nights to play D&D. Us kids would sit in the back playing for hours… we always looked forward to D&D nights.

One of those nights, we were all sitting around in a circle on the floor playing X-Men Barbies, or maybe it was a board game? I actually don’t remember. Including my younger cousin David, who was reallly little. I was probably 10 or so, Cath 8ish, Rachel 6ish and David was probably like 4 maybe?… somewhere around there. Well, I can’t really remember *what* got us laughing so hard. It wasn’t unusual for us to get tickled like that, but Rachel got to laughing so hard that she wet her pants. Cath and I absolutely lost it at this point. Rachel ran for the bathroom, and Cath and I were just laying on the floor howling. Well, apparently David didn’t like that Rachel was getting so much laughter, so he yelled, “I can do that too!!” and promptly peed right there were he was sitting.

It wasn’t really the fact that he did that, it was really more about where he happened to be sitting when he did it. He was sitting in a large, red, plastic beanbag. So it didn’t soak in. The fabric was not absorbent.

Yeah, it just sat there. It took Catherine and myself another good 15 minutes before we could stop laughing long enough to realise the pee wasn’t going anywhere. Then we made David pick the beanbag (carefully!) and throw it out in the backyard.

Yeah, a silly little story, but I just always remember that as being the time I laughed the hardest. I’m sure I’ve laughed just as hard since then, but that’s the one I remember.