when i got carded

Ok, now that I’ve gotten the survey and the story out of the way, I can tell about what I did yesterday.

Ash and I went to Barnes and Noble so she could get a couple of books she needed for school. Well, she ended up not buying anything, and I ended up walking out with a Marx Brothers CD (soundtrack to the Cocoanuts… hey, it was really cheap, and I was curious) and a lovely book about the Hildebrandt’s Tolkien art… just like the calendar I got my parents for Christmas, only with all of their artwork in it, plus sketches and references photos and all kinds of things. It’s pretty neat.

Anyway, she brought me home and I cleaned up my room. Then I went and got her and we went to see The Royal Tenenbaums. Finally. That’s a movie I’ve been waiting on. We went to the new Cordova theater. It was very nice, with comfortable seats and new and wonderfully different slides shown on the screen beforehand. (the theater we normally go to has had the same slides since they opened, I swear). I enjoyed the movie very much!

Anyway. I got carded when I bought the tickets. They never card for R rated movies at the regular theater, even though they’re supposed to. It kinda freaked me out. The guy looked at my license and then made another guy look at it, too before he was satisfied.

So that was yesterday.
Today was a big waste of time, I’ll not go into it here.