when i camped in the dining room

Yesterday Ash and I went to Target. I had a gift card from Christmas I wanted to spend! So I got the Gimli action figure! They didn’t have many DVDs to chose from, unfortunately, so I ended up with the Best of “Friends” video set. Oh well.

Then we came back to my house and hung out. Ash played FFX for 2 1/2 hours o_o; OH! And I also rented Simpsons Road Rage, which we played a little bit too. It’s just like Crazy Taxi, except with Simpsons! Fun XD We ate dinner and then Ash and her parents left, since Ash has to go up and visit a college today, and they had to leave at 6:30 this morning.

FFX Diary:

I played some FFX last night after they left. I’m currently… ah, well, they gave it a name but I can’t remember it. The maze, where you’ve got only Yuna for a while until you meet up with Auron and Kimahri and Lulu. Yeah, that’s where I am! The FMVs a little before that were so gorgeous o_o I really don’t like puzzles and mazes in any game. They’re so stupid. If I wanted to do puzzles and mazes I’d get a game all ABOUT puzzles and mazes. I just want to run around, fight, look at pretty scenery, talk to random people, buy stuff, and watch FMV. That’s all I ask for!

And I don’t see anyone could do those Cloister trial things without cheating. Really. How in the world could you figure it out? I *have* to go look up and see how to do it.

Oh! I nearly forgot. Saturday I moved the little TV into the dining room. I’ve never been allowed to move the little TV out of the kitchen before, because it had the cable line connected to it. But since we cancelled our cable (’cause DirecTV finally started getting our local channels), the TV doesn’t get anything anymore. So I made myself a little spot in the corner of the dining room where I could play. I decided a long time ago that if I had lived in this house as a kid, THAT is where I’d play. That, and the landing on the stairway. Anyway. I like my little spot in the dining room where nobody can bother me.