when i had a bad dream

I had this horrid dream last night. I rarely have bad dreams! They’re usually just weird.
I had been having trouble getting to sleep — I’d been in bed for two hours by 1:00 and couldn’t fall asleep. I’d turned my computer off, covered my stereo and VCR (both of which give out a little light that normally doesn’t bother me) and finally I fell asleep, only to have a freaky dream.

I dreamt I was asleep in my room and something woke me up. It was like there was something really horrible and freaky hiding in the dark of my room. So I got up and tried to turn on the light, but it wouldn’t come on. The light wouldn’t come on. So I grabbed my pillow and made Indy come with me out of my room. I went into the living room to sleep in there, but once I got in there I found that I was kinda… floating. I “kinda floated” over to the light switch and tried to turn it on, but once again it wouldn’t work. It felt like the big bad horrible dark thing had followed me into the living room so I was really getting freaked out.

Then I woke up. Or, at least, I woke in my dream. In my dream I woke up from that dream. And I tried to get up and turn the light on again. And once again it didn’t work, and I repeated the whole process over again.

Then AGAIN I dreamt I woke up. And I went through all the motions for a third time.

FINALLY I woke up for real. I got up and turned on the light (it worked) and uncovered my stereo and VCR and looked at the clock. It was only 1:30 x_x;;

I turned on the fan and went back to bed. I slept fine after that.