Upcoming Cons & Costumes!

I’m fixing to add a few things to the bottom of this page, so I thought I’d talk about the cons for next year.
I really don’t know how people manage to go to so many throughout the year! Cath, Ash and I are all planning on going to MidSouthCon in March. We’re pretty sure we’re going to go to Animazement, though it’ll have to be the same tough arrangement we had for AZ 01. Ash’s last day of school is the 24th. I’d like to go ahead and drive to Nashville that night and try to fly into Durham, if at all possible. But most likely we’ll have to spend part of the night at my grandmother’s in Jackson, get up at 2 in the morning, go to Nashville, catch a 6 AM plane to Charlotte, have a long layover there, and finally drag into Durham, just missing the opening ceremonies. Either way, I want to stay Sunday night too, instead of having to sit with our luggage in the lobby all day Sunday after checkout time, waiting on our flight time. Ugh. Cath can’t go to AZ either way, her family will be on vacation then. So it’s Ash and me and Dad.
Otakon was a long shot for me when the idea first popped into my head, because the dates were too close to the start of school for all three of us. But then they moved it back a weekend. But still, who would take us? No one would want to pay so much to fly there and stay there… no matter how big a dealer’s room they have. Then I told my aunt about it, and she said she might be able to take us. I don’t doubt her one bit. At the moment, there’s a 90% chance we’ll get to go to Otakon.
MTAC most likely, yeah.
Well that’s it.