Elf cloak updates

I got the fabric for my cloak today. I knew I wanted velvet, like the Rivendell elves, but the green velvet I first chose was too expensive (even on sale… I needed 5 yards, and it was $10 a yard). So I got a deep, deep green, almost dark grey – I think it’s perfect. Mom insists it’s not green at all, but it does have a green tint to it, I think. Though that’ll be impossible to see in a movie theater.
I’m fixing to go lay out the pattern… we were going to try to make it without a pattern, but mom bought one today anyway. Good enough.
I’m in love with the velvet, it’s so… heavy. It makes me want to use it as a blanket instead of cutting it up to make a robe. I can’t wait to finish it and wear it.