when my parents stayed home

My parents are out to sabotage me, I know it. One of them has stayed home for the past three days. Mom missed school Wed and Thurs cause she was sick, and today Dad has stayed home cause someone is coming to fix the heater. It makes it hard to spread out all my stuff in the kitchen when they’re home all day.

Ok ok ok Build a Bear. Build a Bear is this place where you go in and you pretty much build a stuffed animal. Besides lots of bears, they have dogs, monkeys, elephants, horses, tigers… lots of different things to choose from. So anyway, you go in, and you pick the one you want, and it’s like a skin. You know, it has no stuffing in it. You take it over to one of these big machines where a worker is, and they help you stuff the dog (they hold it while you press a peddle making the stuffing go into the bear). Then you take it to this “bath” thing where you put it under an air thing and brush it to make the hair fluff up or something. THEN! You get to pick out it’s clothes, and they have so many clothes and accessories and…! hehe it’s my favourite part. I mean, like, like Ash got, little tiny Sketchers that look just like the real shoes! So anyway, you can pick out costumes or regular clothes, underwear, shoes, glasses, and then lots of little things, like Sam got a flute, they also have guitars, skateboard, scooters… I can’t name it all! Then you dress them in their outfit and go to a computer where you fill in all your information, name the bear, and print out your birth certificate. Yes, it’s a silly thing but it’s oddly fun.