when there was a flood

If you haven’t already, let me know if you want to get my Christmas card.

Things I forgot to blog about Part 2: The Great Flood!
Hmm, how long ago was it? Must have been 2 weeks yesterday, I think. I wrote a bit about it here, about how scary the drive home was. Lots of rain, lots of flooding… eek!

My aunt was at her office late that night, and my cousin Cath was there writing a paper on the computer. Cath heard something outside and wondered what it was. They went and looked out the back dock… and there was so much water that the giant garbage dumpsters were FLOATING around. Over four feet of water, and it was starting to creep into the dock. My aunt called us and asked where she could get sandbags – but it was too late! By the time she would have gone and gotten them and gotten back, it would have been too late! Firemen started showing up and getting people out of the area. My aunt was outside at that point (and Cath was directing traffic… what). She asked a fireman if she could go back in and get a few things, and he said “Lady, no one’s going back in there!”

Water was halfway up her car by then but she managed to get it out and they went home. The next day they came back and the place was a wreck. Inside the offices water had been two feet high. I worked for them all last week and it was horrible. It stank (until they tore the carpet up, then it smelled a little better…), they had to keep the air conditioning on to dry things out, everything had been moved around and they had these giant blowers going to try and dry the carpet. Loud, smelly, cold, dirty… yuck!

Cath seems to be having more adventures than me lately.