Dream Stuff

A dream from last night!!
Ash, Cath and I were driving somewhere. We were going a long ways, to meet our moms at some kind of event (can’t remember what it was). Ash was driving, I was in the passenger seat and cath was in the back. All of a sudden we hear sirens behind us. Cath says, “Uh oh!” (I don’t know why I remember *that*). So this cop pulls us over.
(chunk missing here)
Now we’re in a schoolroom, and the cop is keeping us from going over to join our moms (I think it’s some kind of play we’re supposed to be involved in). He’s like, got us under house arrest (classroom arrest?) or something and won’t let us leave. He also won’t tell us why he pulled us over. I get out my cellphone and call mom and tell her we can’t get over there cause the cop won’t let us go anywhere. Then these girls dressed as misc Sailormoon characters come in and sing to try and cheer us up (weird). Doesn’t work for me, cause I’m still pissed about the cop. I finally get it out of him that Ash wasn’t speeding, and then I get all mad and start yelling at him about it.
That’s really the last thing I remember, even though more happened after that. I know the cop left, and then there were a bunch of people telling me good luck.