when i warned them

bye bye reblogger šŸ™

I still haven’t caught up on my sleep from the con apparently… *falls asleep*
I was sitting in class yesterday looking at slides and my eyes just started closing while I sat there. I was actually beginning to doze a little when I realised what was going on and shook myself awake. (it wasn’t that it was boring – it was very interesting actually!)

I have two essays due this week… *wrinkles eyebrows* One is about a conversation we had with a filmmaker over 2 weeks ago. TWO WEEKS AGO!! I hardly remember anything about it… I’m gonna be lucky if I get close to the 500 word requirement… usually I got way over that. šŸ˜›

On top of that, the play is this weekend. I TOLD them, back in summer, and reminded them several times, that if they wanted me to do a poster for them this year they’d better tell me at least 3 weeks in advance of the opening date. I know someone is going to call me tonight or tomorrow night and ask for me to come up to the school and do sketches for a poster. šŸ˜› Though honestly, if they’d told me 3 weeks ahead, it wouldn’t have made much difference considering all the work I had to do last week.

I cleaned out my elfwood gallery, just cause I was sick of so much old stuff cluttering up in there. Seems my FQ cleanout didn’t take, gotta do it again.
I’ve gotta stop typing “egrops.com” instead of “egroups.com.” Teehee, egrops.