when i took cammy photos

Hm, I tried to post @ AD and it didn’t work. Publishing outage or something or another, let’s see if it works over here.

I took a few Cammy pics. It was too late in the day for me to use my normal spot, the shady back patio, so I had to go around front… Luckily no one drove by while I was out doing this.

You can hardly see the stripes on my legs, I should have gotten darker fabric for it. I don’t know how much longer my gloves are going to stick together either.

Ahhhhhh I hate my legs and hips…! I’m fixing to go post some other stupid pics in my livejournal.

I meant to post yesterday and say that we’d seen the aurora borealis (sp?) night before last. It was SO FREAKY. all the way down here in memphis, too! Jean says it’s because there’s more sunspot activity or something. I don’t care what it was, it was freaky. The sky was RED, okay?! ahhhh!!

at least those weirdos down the road weren’t setting off fireworks again. new year’s last year, they set off some stuff that made it sound like armageddon was coming. imagine hearing that with the sky freaking being red!! ahhhh!! *runs*