Here’s all of the illustration board Sailor Moon-related pieces I did for MTAC 2001!

A quick boring Sailormoon done for sale at MTAC. Her eyes are too far apart. This was scanned in two pieces and I didn’t put it together very well o_O; (the board was also cut crooked on one side, didn’t help…)

A boring old Mercury pic done to sale at MTAC. Does it show that I don’t like her? I think she looks okay.

I don’t know WHY I didn’t scan this one, it would have fit in the scanner just fine. I guess I was being lazy.

Jupiter never turns out well. regular old pic for sale at mtac.

This is the last one I took a picture with the digicam of, I swear! o_o I’ll try to scan it again sometime. Her hair came out funky. All of these senshi ones are very uninteresting I know… just wanted some quick stuff to pad out my portfolio!

Scanned bad, but I like her face…

I think this is my fav of the senshi pics I did for sale at MTAC ^_^ yay haruka!

I’ve never been good at drawing saturn.

HEY!!! It’s pluto!!!! AHHHHHH!!
I’m running out of stuff to say about these.