*sigh* I didn’t get to work on it as much as I wanted. It was so rushed. From 7 to 9 last night I was up at RAT taking pictures of the cast to use as references (it was hard getting some of them off the stage long enough). From 9 to 12 I was drawing/inking the thing (the original had to be scanned in 4 pieces, so it’s pretty big). From midnight to 7 this morning I was CGing it. I finally gave up then, said forget it, and went to bed. Dad took it to the printer for me this morning, so I have to go pick it up soon.
The cging, especially up in the top, was so rushed. I didn’t get to do as much lighting as I wanted, and the text is totally not what I had planned.
OH well. It’s not like I’m getting graded for this thing.
(edit: the links below were removed since I no longer have them online.)
Some pictures from last night… they had a lot of fun horsing around in front of the camera, but unfortunately I deleted most of them before coming home to make room for real pics.
The Singing DePayne Sisters, Lizzie Borden – Or How I felt when I finished this morning, Graves and Patsy (my cousin Rachel), and I thought denizens of WOFS would appreciate this one.