little weekend gone

I actually got home about 3 hours ago, but… umm… well actually I really haven’t been doing anything since then.

Man, today was great! We got to my gramma’s last night about 8:30. I was starving, because I hadn’t had much of anything to eat all day. And my grandparents usually eat around 5:30 in the afternoon (cause my granddad is in bed by 6:30), so they were really hungry too. We went to O’Charley’s and had 3 bowls of potato soup… mine, my granddad’s, and Nana’s. LOL I tell you, I don’t eat much or often, but when I find something I like I can really shovel it in.

I went to bed straight away when we got back, cause I was tired. I switched on on the TV some. Man, it’s always been that my gramma gets better channels than we do down here (even though Jackson is much smaller!) but when we got DirectTV we had many more channels. But then she went and got this new thing, and now she has all these great channels that we don’t have. Like the Biography channel. Maybe it’s better that I don’t have the Biography channel, cause if we did that’s all I’d watch 24/7. And she has Boom, and a bunch of Discovery channels, and VH-1 Classic. This morning when I got up I put it on VH-1 classic and watched 2 Peter Gabriel videos (Sledgehammer and Games Without Frontiers, both a nice blast from the past), and then two Genesis videos. Remember Land Of Confusion? That video used to scare the crap out of me as a kid. Now that I see it again I remember why… those are some scary ass puppet things.

Anyway, I got up and Nana had already gone to her meeting. I managed to sleep until 8:30, amazing for me. I got dressed and Mema and I took Rex to get her nails clipped. It was cold, I’m glad I brought such a big sweater.
Then we went to Wal-mart, at my request. Mema got some random stuff, and I got Gryffindor socks and the Snape and Ron action figures.
Then off to Target. Mema once again got some random stuff, and I went to look at the games. To my utter excitement I saw SILENT HILL 2. Yes the sequel to one of my absolute favourite games of all time. I didn’t realise it was out already.
Then we met Nana during her lunch break at the mall to eat lunch. I had fries from Chic-Fil-A. Then Nana left, and I looked in EBX and Suncoast.
Went home, I took a nap, then went and sat with mema in the living room. Nana got back around 4, followed by my granddad. We didn’t get to go eat with them, we just came on home.
Ohhh I wanted to stay so bad. If only I didn’t have school tomorrow. But nooo I have to wait til Thanksgiving to go up for a whole week.

OH!! I almost forgot!! Back in July when I went to the beach, some of the kids had this little half size Diet Cokes. I was like, “HOLY @&*!&! LITTLE TINY COKES!!” But all they had were Diet Cokes. And i never saw them again until today, when Mema showed me a little six pack of half-sized cokes she’d bought for me. And then at Wal-mart she bought me 4 more six packs to bring home. YAY! Little tiny cokes! They’re the perfect size for me! I never drink all of a can coke, because once that “newly opened coke” taste is gone, or I’m done eating, i don’t drink anymore. So the little coke is a marvelous thing for me. I hope they keep it around for a while.