when i was a lawnmower man

Oh, remember I had that root canal back in August or so? Yesterday I went in for what I THOUGHT was going to be a five second visit – that they were going to remove the temporary crown and put the permanent one on. Apparently I misunderstood, because yesterday I had the TEMPORARY crown put on, and it took an hour and a half. It wasn’t so bad, I just wasn’t prepared to be there that long. They let me listen to the headphones.

Now, when I was younger, the laughing gas they give you had NO effect on me. Seriously, I wondered why they used it all. It did a fat lot of nothing. As I get older, it seems to have more and more effect … And since I was listening to the headphones… well, being on the gas and listening to Comfortably Numb is extremely weird.

I was completely loopy… at one point I remember thinking, “WHEE! LAWNMOWER MAN!!” I have no idea why.