when i worked on a bunch of stuff

I hate it when I update my elfwood galleries and it’s not listed on the update page!
Oy! I’ve worked all weekend on stuff for the con. Plus I’m studying for a test I have tomorrow, eeeek.

I’ve been working on a very big picture of Vash to sell, it’s about two feet tall and as of last night it officially killed my red prismacolour marker. Argh! So now I’m sort of stuck, because I still have several large places to colour in. And nowhere nearby that sells prismacolour markers is open on Sunday. I forgot to look at Hobby Lobby yesterday…

Yesterday, Ash and I took my cousin to the Homecoming Game. I don’t know whether they won or lost or not, it was so hot out there we left after a few minutes. Then we went to the fabric store where I spent fifty freakin bucks on extra stuff. gyaaaah and having to drag those big rolls of vinyl over to the cutting table wasn’t fun. But I did get red vinyl for my Cammy gloves, yellow vinyl for the thing she wears on her chest, black vinyl for dad’s boots, stiff red fabric for my Milly tie and the small red places on Utena’s costume, white shimmery fabric for the underskirt of Utena’s jacket and for new shoulder thingies for Jupiter, white fabric for Utena’s sleeves, blue fabric for Ash’s Suppi-chan wings, red ribbon, black ribbon, white ropey things for Utena’s shoulders, red thread, silver buttons (for Rinoa)…… and I think that’s it. I hope that’s it. Then off to Hobby Lobby for even more stuff. We got dinner and took Kevin home, then came back to my place and made Ash’s Suppi-chan wings. We didn’t quite finish but we got close enough.

I stayed up late watching the Beverly Hillibilles, painting white wings (oh! yeah! we got 2 things of white fabric paint at the fabric store, too) on the back of Cath’s Rinoa jacket. She’s finally letting me fix it up to look more like Rinoa’s jacket, so that Ash can wear it. I also painted a new green heart for the front of my Jupiter bow. My parents got in around 12:30 and that’s when I finally went to bed.

Today I woke up and thought it was Daylight Savings or whatever, cause it was 6:30 and still dark out. I rolled over and went back to sleep until 8:30 and found out it WASN’T daylight savings. I just felt like mentioning that. Anyway, I turned the Beverly Hillbillies back on and got to work again. I finished up Rinoa’s jacket (when Cath brings the wrist sleeves over today, I’m going to take pictures of myself in it). I tried to add some extra wire to the back bow of my Jupiter costume but it didn’t work, so we’re going to sew them up to make them stand. Then I made my red tie for Milly and started on a new green thing for her jacket, but that’s where I stopped.

I wish I could make an Utena sword like her’s.

I’m sorry for all the cosplay talk, I know most of you don’t care about it. It’ll pass for a while once MTAC is gone! Unfortunately, right now, it’s all I can think about. It’s just so FUN.