when the temp went psycho

I had a really bad dream last night… not like a nightmare, just really bad things happened, you know? I don’t want to think about it!

Something weird happened at work today. It was about 15 minutes before lunch when some lady I’d never seen before came in. She went back and talked to one of the temps, and then she and the temp went in to the little office in the corner. My boss then shooed everyone out of the work room into the breakroom and told us not to go back into the work room. I figured it was because of the stench that was creeping into the room – down the hall they were doing something to a desk, and it was creating a horrible smell. A minute or two later, my boss came into the breakroom and said we could go ahead and leave for lunch. Several people said their lunch was in the work room. Since I was leaving at lunch anyway, I needed to get my illus board and pencils out of there, too. So our boss walked back into the deserted work room with us and watched while we got our stuff. My stuff was at the far end of the room so I was the last one leaving, and she said to me as I left, “We don’t want anyone in here right now, there’s too much stuff they could throw.”


So like, was that temp a psycho? Were they scared she was going to go insane and start threatening people with box cutters? I don’t know. It’s such a mystery. But I got to leave early, so I went to the store on the way home and got 2 bright shiny boxes of 96 Crayola crayons. Yayfun!

I posted some of the new for-sale-at-MTAC junk at BITE IT LIKE A LITTLE MONKEY. Oh… I’m officially beginning to freak out now. How am I going to get everything finished, there’s just so much work to do…. Less than a week we leave! LESS THAN A WEEK!