when i was working into the night

Whisky A-Go-Go is taped before a live studio audience!

I’m fixing to go post a couple of pics at Bite it Like a Little Monkey!. I’m about 10 minutes away from finishing this blasted CG. I hate CGing now. This is the only one I’m doing for MTAC, and the only reason I’m doing it is because I’ve been wanting to do this pic for ages to put on a t-shirt for meself.

At this time last night, Utena was, oh… 20% done. Now it’s about 75% done. We got the whole jacket put together today, along with the red ribbon along the edges and the ruffled thing underneath. I’m still scratching my head over the shoulder things. Rough, man. I’m really too tired to worry about it at the moment, tho. I’m so very happy with it at the moment. I’ve been wanting to be Utena for… gosh, what, nearly 3 years now? and I’m finally doing it. yay.

::curls up on the floor under the desk and goes to sleep::