when i caught on fire


This is why you don’t leave me alone with dangerous things!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I turned the wrong eye on on the oven. An eye with one of the metal covers over it!! I came back to find it sizzling. One of the smaller covers was sitting on top of it so I grabbed a potholder and yanked it off. The potholder caught on fire momentarily, but luckily that went out as I waved my arm around like a idiot. I turned the eye off, but now I didn’t know what to do. The same thing happened to mom not too long ago, and she said Jean (Ash’s mom) had noticed it and dumped water on it. So I ran and got a big cup of water and stood there dropping water onto it until it seemed to be ok. I used a spatula to toss the cover off. Luckily there was no fire (unlike with mom’s experience), but… the metal cover…. well… it started to… erm, what’s the word? It became disfigured. All the edges were no longer sitting flat. ><; I pounded on it and got it to sit flat again, but the edges and the top are no longer silver… more like coppery… eep…