when we went to gatlinburg


I got home around midnight last night. We didn’t do much of anything in Gatlinburg, other than shop. But it was nice.

We went to my gramma’s wednesday night, and the next morning we got up and went all the way to Gatlinburg. Our hotel was very nice, we had the penthouse on the top floor. Great view. I couldn’t figure out how to work the lamps, though. We then started walking down the streets looking in shops and stuff. We found this great store, where I bought Ash’s present. I’m not going to talk about it yet cause she reads my blog!!

Then we wandered some more, and then went back and ate dinner at the restaurant next door. I’m not a big fan of deserts, but we each got a different desert and everybody ate all of them. Then my grandparents went back to the hotel, and me, cath, kristie and my aunt Renee went out walking again. We went into one of those 7 million t-shirt stores where they make those goofy spray-paint t-shirts. My aunt got one with a volleyball on the front and Rachel and her friend’s names and #s, and a football on the back with David and a couple of his friend’s names and numbers. I also found that Mr T shirt I’ve always wanted, so I got that. We then went to the arcade we’d seen earlier. Now, here’s the most important part of the whole trip:
We got to play Dance Dance Revolution!!! And without a million people standing around. There was maybe, 5 people in the arcade, so Cath and I played to our heart’s content… or rather, until our legs got really tired.

We decided to go through Ripley’s Haunted… House. Mansion. I dunno. I can’t remember. Na and kristie decided they didn’t feel like going, so it was just me and Cath. The “ride” is set up for about 10-15 people to go thru at once, but we were the ONLY ONES. My aunt told the guys who worked there our names, even, so you know, they said our names. The guy told us to hold onto each other… but Cath had such a deathgrip on my arm the entire time, he needn’t have worried. We walked thru that thing so fast it wasn’t even funny. I was laughing at most of it, because most of it was just a goofy haunted house. But sometimes there would be parts where it was completely black and we’d have to feel around. Cath would say, “Go straight!!!” And I’d tell her, “Man, there’s a wall right in front of me.” And sometimes the 2 guys who worked there would come up RIGHT in front of us or RIGHT behind us. Guh. Then we got to the end and there was an elevator, and we got in. We didn’t realise you had to press the button, so we just stood there. Finally we started down and left… geez. *arm still hurts where cath was holding on*

Then we went back to the hotel and watched my aunt’s favourite movie, Remember the Titans. I fell asleep.

We ate breakfast at the hotel that morning, then went out walking again. I don’t remember exactly where we went all day, but at one point we got on the trolley to take us back to the hotel, and my grandfather asked the driver to take us to the Claritin (instead of the Clarion). I know in the morning, we went back and played DDR again, cause our grandparents wanted to see it. I got my dad some hot sauce, my mom a new sandicast figure, I got a new peace frogs shirt (my old one had something spilt on the front), and a little Mushu from Mulan that is very bendable and funny. Also a straw with Mushu on it. Heh.

We ate lunch at some point, then went around this mall for a while. Then we went back to the hotel and left my grandfather there, so Mema could sneak out and buy me something I’d been whining for since I saw it the day before. NO one was happy about me buying it, except me. It’s a sword. It’s so cool. Almost comes to my shoulder. *giggles* Cath bought a pretty chinese dress which she looks great in, and anytime someone tries to whine at me about the sword, I tell them Cath’s dress cost more.

Then we went out to eat and I wore my Evel shirt. Then we dropped Mema and Daddy Bob off at the hotel and went out to Ripley’s Believe it or Not museum. It was neat. The best part was, at one point, there was a thing about rolling your tongue, and a mirror there for you to try it. Then when you got to the end, you found out that it was a two-way mirror, and you could stand there watching people trying to roll their tongue. It was SO funny XD Then they tricked us, the exit of Ripley’s went straight out through the arcade. So we played DDR some more. Then we rode the skylift, which was very nice.

We packed up yesterday morning and went to Knoxville to watch the games. The volleyball team won both of theirs, and the football team definitely won (30-0).
*stretches* Ouch.