when i went shopping yet again

Yesterday I went out to buy envelopes for the bookmarks at Office Smacks, and to get lunch and to go to Walgreens and to rent the videos we were gonna watch last night. Then come home. But, I met up with Na and Kristie at Office Smacks and ended up going with them to the mall. They bought the cutest Buzz Lightyear costume for Kristie’s nephew at the Disney store. They also had the freaking coolest costume – the dragon from Sleeping Beauty. Alas, it only came in kid sizes. Then we went to Abercrombie and (aunt) Na bought me some school clothes. I got a red jacket with white stripes down the arm, a white tanktop and an orange 3/4 length sleeve shirt. The orange shirt, unfortunately, says “Adorable” (The A is bigger and looks like an athletic top thing with the -dorable underneath it, so it’s not completely noticable). Me wearing a shirt that says “Adorable?” I figure it’s ironic. She also bought me an early bday present, a new blue jean jacket. Yay!

Then, last night, Ash and family came over and cooked out, and my parents watched O Brother Where Art Thou, while Ash and I watched Dude Where’s My Car? XD

Today was really boring tho. I went with mom to Barnes and Noble but didn’t buy anything. I went across the street and met Ash and mom at Old Gravy, where I found a shirt I’ve been looking for. Kinda army style shirt. I got it, along with a purple football for Indy. That shirt is perfect for my NERV patches, LOL XD

Then I came home.
Oy, not too far away from 200k… o_o