when i had to go get a stethoscope

Hm, my other domain is down… hostrocket is down. How annoying. My images here on whisky are broken cause of it. I’ve never had them go down before… of course it happens right after I put the new bbs up! šŸ˜›

We’re going to go get the sewing machine fixed today. Hurrah.

That nurse who was here giving my parents the physical, well, turns out he has a daughter at White Station who’s into anime, and is going to Dragoncon this weekend. Lucky! About Dragoncon I mean, not White Station. I went to White Station once. It was very cold there.

I had to go over and get my aunt’s stethoscope (sp?) for him, since he forgot his. My car was on empty, so I stopped and put $3 worth of gas in it. Isn’t that pathetic? 3 bucks. The guy before me only put $2.50 in…