when we saw the harry potter trailer

Saw AI yesterday. Good movie. It was worth the $4.75 alone just seeing the Harry Potter trailer. Lord knows I’m not a big Snape fan, but… I have to admit… I was so excited when he appeared. I think Alan Rickman will change the way I think of Snape!

Anyway, AI was good. It had two marks against it already before it even started, one being that it was long, the other being that it was sad. I generally avoid a movie with one of those problems, but I was interested in seeing AI.

I also have a nasty habit of getting distracted during a movie… I worry about my car not being locked, I think about what I’m going to eat for dinner, etc, etc. AI managed to hold my attention well enough that I didn’t do that for once. I honestly don’t know how, there were so many ‘nothing’s happening’ points.

I’m surprised I didn’t have nightmares last night because of all the robots. UGH. *hides from scary robot people*