when i was sick

I felt ok when I got up this morning, but the minute I walked outside I got so sick. It must have been the heat combined with my normal morning yuckiness… cause I got dizzy, had a headache, and felt like I was about to puke. I figured it’d go away, so I got in the car and started driving. I still didn’t feel much better about 15 minutes later, when I realised I’d left my wallet at home. There was no way I was driving with my license or all my cash or my credit card, so I turned the car around and went home to find it. I was shuffling around my room trying to find the shorts I wore yesterday when mom heard me and got out of bed to see why I was back home. I told her I didn’t feel well, and she told me in that annoyed voice of hers, “Well why don’t you call in?”

So I did. And now I feel ok again, except I’m REALLY hungry. I don’t know why. Crazy! But I got off work, so who cares.