the story behind spockmonkey

Would you like to know the story behind Spockmonkey?
Well, too bad, I’m telling the story anyway!

The story goes like this. Ash and I were at my cousin’s high school graduation last year. It was the same school I went to, and, like I’ve said before, it’s very, very small. Well, as they called each of the graduates up, they would list the clubs or organizations they were involved in. One girl was the president of the “Stock Market” club. This by itself was funny, the very fact that this small school had enough people to have a Stock Market club (they probably only had 3 people out of K-12.), but I misheard it, leaned over to Ash and whispered, “what’s a stock monkey club?”

Ash had to lean over to keep from laughing outloud because it was dead quiet in there. We laughed about the Stock Monkey club all night. We imagined that some grocery stores have Stock Monkeys to stock their shelves.

A few nights later we were in the draw chat on my site, and I was typing something about stock monkey. I hit the wrong key and got spock monkey. Then, of course, I had to draw Mr Spockmonkey.


So that’s that. Spockmonkey. Ash has taken this as her online identity, pretty much. She wants me to make a Spockmonkey shirt. I want a plush Spockmonkey.