when i found a ticket


I finally found a decently priced airplane ticket. From Myrtle Beach to Memphis, layover in Atlanta. Not too long a one, I’ll be getting home around 2 in the afternoon. $195. We tried to buy the ticket about an hour ago, but were stopped by a “Sorry, we are overwhelmed with requests at the moment!’ response ><; So we tried again a minute ago and got thru… and this time the ticket was $116. Whoohoo! So that means I’m going out of town again next week :p And it’s a vacation. I’ll not think of any of you while I’m gone! Oh, who am I kidding, I’ll think about all of you! *hug*

Regarding a BBS post about a very offensive article concerning girls and comics, I’d like to point out Friends of Lulu. I found it through my referrers (I’m on their Women Doing Comics list, somehow! i’m very honoured to be included with so many of my heros!). As you can see, many, many women are involved with comics, with more joining them each day.

Speaking of which, I’m going to my comic store now, to pick up some reading material for the trip ^-^